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While not exactly exciting, washers and dryers are essential appliances in any home. With busy schedules and demanding responsibilities, it’s easy to let small things like keeping your washer and dryer in check fall by the wayside. But when either of these appliances breaks down, it can have a ripple effect on your everyday routine. If you don’t have time to do laundry, you might find yourself with fewer pairs of clean socks or shirts than usual. When that happens, you probably feel even more rushed than usual to get everything done before you leave the house again. But luckily, with a little bit of maintenance now and then, you can ensure that your washer and dryer are running smoothly for years to come and avoid the eventual call to an appliance repair service who can work on your washer and dryer.
When people think of cleaning their washer and dryer, they usually think of the inside of each appliance. But just as important to keep clean is the outside, including the lint screen and exhaust filter. If the lint screen is clogged with lint, it can interfere with the spin cycle of your washer, which can be dangerous and cause your machine to overheat. If your exhaust filter is clogged, it can prevent your dryer from venting properly, which can cause fires. It’s also a good idea to check the hose that connects your washer and dryer, as well as the seals along the top and bottom. Over time, these seals can deteriorate and allow lint to get inside the pipes, which can lead to clogs and cause your appliances to break down quicker that cause it to need repair.
Besides cleaning the lint screen and exhaust filter, it’s a good idea to run a maintenance cycle every once in a while. This is also a great opportunity to check the inside of your washer and dryer for any signs of wear and tear. Start by unplugging and opening both appliances, being sure to unplug the washer first to avoid any electrical shocks. You can use a soft brush to clean the inside of your washer and dryer. If you’re worried about scratching the appliances, you can use a cloth that’s been dipped in white vinegar instead. After you’ve given the inside a good cleaning, check for any signs of wear, such as torn fabrics or broken parts. If you spot anything that looks worn out, you should contact a professional to have it fixed or replaced.
While you’re checking the seals on the top and bottom of your washer and dryer, it’s also a good idea to give the hoses a thorough examination. Pay special attention to the ends of the hoses and look for signs of wear and tear, such as cracks or fraying. If you notice any problems, you should replace the hose right away. The seals and hoses around your washer and dryer are responsible for keeping lint and other debris out of the pipes. If they’re not in good condition, they can start to leak, which will increase the chances of clogging and breaking down.
Both your washer and dryer have filters, which help keep lint and other debris from making their way into the machines. It’s a good idea to check the filters once a year and replace them with new ones if necessary. If the filters are dirty, you should clean them to make them last even longer. If your lint filters have seen better days, you might want to consider upgrading to a HE machine, which has a wash/rinse feature that rinses out 99% of the lint inside the machine so you don’t have to clean the filters as often. Having a clean and well-maintained washer and dryer is essential for keeping your clothes clean and prolonging the lifespan of your appliances.
With these simple tips, you can keep your washer and dryer in tip-top condition so they last longer and run more efficiently, and avoid the call to an appliance repair company. If you are uncomfortable working on your washer and dryer when it breaks down, don't hesitate to call Waco Appliance Repairs. We are the best appliance repair service for washer and dryer problems and can have your appliance fixed in no time so you can get back to clean, fresh smelling clothes.
Are you ready to have all your home appliances running smoothly and efficiently for years to come? Then call Waco Appliance Repairs, the most experienced, professional, and affordable appliance repair business serving Waco and the surrounding areas. All our technicians are highly trained, and will be able to fix any kind of problem you have with any of your appliances, guaranteed. Any brand, any model, we will have your appliance up and running the same day you call. So call us today or fill out the form on this site and let us know how we can help you with your appliance repair needs.