The shootings at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco TX occurred on April 19, 1993. In a 51-day standoff, armed FBI agents killed dozens of people at the Compound and took hostages. The episode has since become an annual remembrance for many people, including the author of this article. The shootings were the most notorious incident in recent American history. It is located at 1781 Double Ee Ranch Rd, Waco, TX 76705.
The Branch Davidians, a Christian sect that gained worldwide fame in 1993, were known for their extreme beliefs. The ATF tried to execute a search warrant at their compound near Waco TX, but the Davidians refused. The gun battle resulted in the deaths of six Davidians and four ATF agents. However, the ATF was unable to execute the search warrant and it was forced to evacuate the community.
The FBI was eventually forced to take action and released the survivors of the Branch Davidians. A federal grand jury indicted 12 members of the group for crimes committed in the Waco area, including illegal weapons possession. Eight of the men were released on parole, and four were acquitted. The remaining eight served varying prison sentences and were freed in 2007. As a result of the release of the Branch Davidians, some of the men were able to rejoin their families and resume their lives. Click for more information.
The Branch Davidians were initially targeted by the ATF for an illegal arms cache, but the government's interest in the group turned out to be more important. The ATF attempted to raid the compound on February 28, 1993, but the survivors claim that the ATF had shot first. As a result, the ATF failed to take possession of any illegal weapons, killing five Branch Davidians and injuring 16 others.
As a result, the U.S. military and the Texas state law enforcement halted the raid. The ATF had allegedly received illegal weapons from the Davidians' Mount Carmel Center ranch in Axtell, Texas. ATF officials had lied to the FBI in order to secure the weapons. The United States has since been unable to secure peace in the community. The armed forces have remained incarcerated.
The Congressional investigation of the fire at the former Branch Davidian Compound in Waco found that Koresh was responsible for the fire. Regardless of who started the fire, there were no signs of a group meeting there. But it is hard to believe that the FBI set the fire, but it is likely that the two men were arguing about a conspiracy. It is unclear who started the blaze and who was responsible for the fatality.
The Branch Davidian Compound in Waco, Texas was destroyed during the siege. The FBI claims that the fire was set deliberately by the Branch-Davidians, but the FBI says that the flames were caused by the FBI. The police did not report this evidence to the FBI. This is why they say they were guilty of the crimes. And despite the fact that they were innocent, the government's investigation was a failure. The Federal investigation of the Branch Davidian Compound is still ongoing.
More about Waco here.